How Long Did Buddha Meditate?
MAJOR BELIEFS AND GOALS: Since Buddhism was an offshoot of Hinduism, it is important to see where there are significant differences. Siddhartha Gautama rejected the idea of the caste system, so there is no separation of people and no idea that a person's social or economic status is a reflection of his/her goodness in this or in past lives. In Buddhism, there is no interest in the origin of the world or in a personal God. The emphasis is on the individual rather than on the supernatural. In Buddhism, there is more emphasis on labor, discipline, and compassion rather than on tradition, ritual, and metaphysical speculation. While Buddhists believe in reincarnation, they do not believe in the transmigration of the "soul." Their goal is to eliminate desires, and they believe that if a person dies without having eliminated all desires, the remaining desires call forth, or into a new body. Who was Buddha? Many Buddhists say that it is incorrect to call Siddhartha Gautama ...